The Adirondack Pack Basket is one of the most recognized objects associated with the Adirondacks. These versatile baskets were used to carry just about everything the guides, hunters and trappers took with them into the woods. Create your own pack basket patterned from the traditional Adirondack Pack Baskets. The Sightseer pack is a great size for teens or adults.
The first day students weave a plain weave base with the pre-cut spokes and then weave the sides. Linda will be guiding students as they concentrate on shape, creating a belly while learning to continuous weave. The main weaving will be done the first day. The baskets will sit and dry overnight. On the second day, students will pack the baskets tight, level the top, weave a false rim, cut and tuck spokes, and fit the rim to the basket and lash the rim. A leather handle will be put on pack and an adjustable webbing or leather harness secured with skids. Linda will guide you and teach you many tips and techniques. Students will be using a drawknife and other sharp tools. The instructor will bring all materials to make the basket. Baskets will not be stained during class. Approximate dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″ x 16″ high.