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Live Edge Bowl- June 2025


Come create a simple turned bowl that still looks and feels rustic due to its live edge. This course is targeted to those who have an interest in learning how to turn. The emphasis will be on learning how to use a lathe and tools safely and correctly. In this class, you will learn the basics of creating spindle-based objects and then work at turning your bowl. Leave the class with a lovely treasure that captures the "wild" feel of the Adirondacks!

SKU: a0xTN000001RxfNYAS Category:


Come create a simple turned bowl that still looks and feels rustic due to its live edge. This course is targeted to those who have an interest in learning how to turn. The emphasis will be on learning how to use a lathe and tools safely and correctly. In this class, you will learn the basics of creating spindle-based objects and then work at turning your bowl. Leave the class with a lovely treasure that captures the "wild" feel of the Adirondacks!


  • Saturday, June 14, 2025 – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Instructor: John Kingsley

Member Tuition: $110.00
Non-Member Tuition: $135.00

Material Fee: $25.00 Included in fee shown on checkout page

Location: AFS, 51 Main Street, Lake Luzerne, NY

Special Notes: For your safety: no loose-fitting clothes, hair tied back, comfortable shoes and no jewelry. If sensitive to wood dust registration for turning classes is not recommended. The introductory class or some knowledge of wood turning is a prerequisite for this class.

Join the Waiting List We are sorry, but this course is currently full. If space(s) become available, we will notify users in the order in which they requested to be added to the waiting list.