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Shaker Oval Nesting Boxes

Adirondack Folk School 51 Main St., Lake Luzerne

One of the most iconic items of Shaker woodworking, nesting oval boxes share elegance, simplicity and functionality equally. Using carefully prepared thin strips of wood each participant will carve the "swallowtails" or "fingers" on one end before soaking them in a hot water bath to soften for bending. Copper tacks are installed to hold the oval hoop together before top and bottom boards are fit and held by wooden pegs. Each student will construct five nesting oval boxes from cherry wood in this two-day workshop.

Silver Metal Clay Exploration

Explore the many ways that you can use silver in a metal clay formulation to create jewelry designs of your own. The newest way of working with silver is metal clay which can be shaped like clay to produce uniquely textured surfaces, resulting in durable beautiful silver jewelry. Students will learn metal clay working techniques and make pendants, earrings, charms and rings. Fresh leaves will also be used to create a silver piece of nature. The class will also cover techniques for setting and firing stones directly in metal clay. Each student will leave with at least four finished pieces of jewelry. No previous experience necessary.

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